Not all financial goals are achievable or can be done in the timeframe you have set for yourself. Don’t trip yourself up before you start by being over ambitious or impractical.
Where to seek advice in uncertain times.
Five charts on investing to keep in mind in rough times like these
Key message: investor emotion plays a huge role in magnifying the swings in investment markets. The key for investors is not to get sucked into this emotional roller coaster. Of course, doing this is easier said than done which is why many investors end up getting wrong footed by the investment cycle.
It’s time to close the gender superannuation gap
Antipodean Advisory Market Wrap Jan - 2020
How to stay focussed in volatile markets
The first thing to say about February is that it was far from unusual. Since 1979, there have been 182 five day periods worse than the February decline. It happens, on average, every three months. It’s about as frequent as a 29 degree day in Sydney. Warm, yes, but barely worth a comment. So why do we all feel this way when the markets fall?
How you can benefit from market fluctuations
Diversification - why it should be your best friend
Five global themes that may impact your investment portfolio
What can your adviser do for you?
Our focus is, and always has been, assessing the most appropriate financial strategy for a clients' needs and circumstances with no bias towards any particular product provider. We firmly believe that the ownership structure of Antipodean Advisory allows this to happen without any competing interests.