
How to spend more to save

How to spend more to save

Did you know that many manufacturers have been using techniques to deliberately reduce the life of a product to increase its replacement rate and sell you the same thing again? It’s called planned obsolescence.

Buying a home

Buying a home

“Are you ready to buy a home”

Relationships & Money

Relationships & Money

Here are some tips on managing finances with your partner

5 tips for a stress-free converstaion about your will

5 tips for a stress-free converstaion about your will

But no matter how stressful that conversation is, not talking about what’s in your Will could cause confusion, bitterness, far bigger family feuds and even legal battles after you’re gone.

Property market chart pack July 2018 -CoreLogic

Property market chart pack July 2018 -CoreLogic

Sydney dwelling values have fallen by -0.9% over the second quarter of 2018 and they are -4.5% lower over the past year. Dwelling values across Sydney are now -4.8% lower than their July 2017 peak.

Tax Differences: Property vs Shares

Tax Differences: Property vs Shares

This prompted me to think about the relative pros and cons of property and share investment in terms of tax.

Compare principal and interest and interest-only home loans

Compare principal and interest and interest-only home loans

We delve into two of the most popular home loans: principal and interest and interest-only.

Guide to superannuation and contributions

Guide to superannuation and contributions

In this Guide you will find more information about contributing to superannuation, including information for those saving for a first home, on lower incomes or who are self-employed.

End of Financial Year Super Strategies

End of Financial Year Super Strategies

“Tax-deductible super contribution”

“Government co-contibution”

“Downsizer contribution”