
How to fund a child's education

How to fund a child's education

Accumulating funds in a child’s name is generally not suitable as the unearned income of a minor is taxed at the top marginal tax rate.

Is it better to buy an investment property or home first?

Is it better to buy an investment property or home first?

Its worth knowing some more about both options to ensure you’re making a well informed decision.

Property market chart pack July 2018 -CoreLogic

Property market chart pack July 2018 -CoreLogic

Sydney dwelling values have fallen by -0.9% over the second quarter of 2018 and they are -4.5% lower over the past year. Dwelling values across Sydney are now -4.8% lower than their July 2017 peak.

Compare principal and interest and interest-only home loans

Compare principal and interest and interest-only home loans

We delve into two of the most popular home loans: principal and interest and interest-only.

Big win for Retirees with the newly announced ‘downsizer’ contributions

Big win for Retirees with the newly announced ‘downsizer’ contributions

The new ‘downsizer contributions’ measure provides opportunities for retirees looking to boost their retirement savings, particularly in light of the recent superannuation reforms affecting the contributions caps.

Asset Allocation & Market Pull Back

Asset Allocation & Market Pull Back

“The probability of loss in all Australian Equities is 28% with a frequency of negative returns (years) 3.6 ”

“In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighting machine”

2017 Long-term Investing Report

2017 Long-term Investing Report

1. Rear-view mirror investing
Making investment decisions based on past performance is a high-risk strategy at the best of times, and we never recommend it.

2. Lack of portfolio diversification

As this Report shows, all asset classes are vulnerable to the vagaries of the market. Having a narrowly
focused portfolio by putting all your eggs in one or two asset classes exposes investors to a lot of
unnecessary downside risk.

3. Reliance on residential property

The only way to avoid the considerable downside risk of single-asset investing is true diversification across asset types.

4. Investing in over-priced traditional assets

The potential benefits of greater diversification and active management become all the more meaningful the lower the expected market returns.

5. Setting and forgetting

Instead of a ‘set and forget’ approach which relies on a steady-state, unchanging market environment,
investors faced with volatile markets will require a nimble approach, shifting between asset classes and sub-asset classes in real time as market conditions change.